Weekly Waffle #23

Weekly Waffle

Ok then I’ve got a few updates for you today. Gaming this week was back to playing Zombiside. We had a slightly different line up of players this week and we even had a plan. Everything started off really well with us all working together and soon having all the items we needed to collect. All in the first large building we entered. So now all we needed to do was collect the three remaining objective markers and head for home. The only problem was that we already had the ‘A-bomb’ zombie on the table. Still not that big of a problem as a Molotov cocktail soon took care of it. Into the next building and another objective marker collected. It was getting late so we decided to play one more round and finish the game off next week. Most of us moved into a crossroad square ready to fight our way down the road to the next objective. Pete was one square back with his shotguns to cover our retreat. Everything looking good, or so we thought. The zombies had there go and all of a sudden Pete is dead and we are now in square with ten zombies. But you’re going to have to wait until next week to see if anyone survives.

Some real progress on the hobby front this week. The grass tufts I had been waiting for have turned up which has allowed me to finish basing the Alchemists. Overall I’m quite happy with how they have turned out, particularly because I don’t have any other models that have been based anything like these. I got a couple of different products for the bases and ended up using the Army Painter ‘Meadow Flowers’ and then the ‘Gamers Grass’ grass tufts. I also got some Army Painter grass tufts but decided not to use them on the bases as they just didn’t fit with the feel I was looking for. But they may get used around the base of the goals, I’ll have to see how they look. Anyway there are a couple of pictures below and more in the Guild Ball section that I have now added to the galleries page. I’ve also drafted a painting guide for the Alchemists and that should be available on Monday.


 Alchemist-2 Alchemist-5Alchemist-8 Alchemist-11 Alchemist-14 Alchemist-17

I’ve also been making steady, if not rapid, progress on the Fishermen and with a bit of luck I’m hoping to have them finished off by the end of the weekend. Or at least I was until I got a package from Steamforge Games containing the alternate Kraken model. So I should really be saying I’ll try and get the first six fishermen finished off and then come back to this one.

WW23 Fishermen-1 WW23 Fishermen-2 WW23 Fishermen-3 WW23 Fishermen-4 WW23 Fishermen-5 WW23 Fishermen-6

 So with a bit of luck I’ll be able to make a start on my next team early next week. I’m not sure which one it will be yet but I’m thinking of either the Butchers or the Morticians.

And don’t forget that if you want to find out if anyone survives the zombie apocalypse then you’ll need to come back next week for an update.

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