Weekly Waffle #162

This week I have to say that I have been a lazy so and so. I’ve not had lots of things on and work hasn’t been particularly busy I’ve just plain and simple been lazy. I think some of it has come from the fact that I’ve been struggling on my painting projects and keep sitting down to do something but not really having a clue how to do it. So I look at it, listen to some music and look at it some more. Then I’m surprised when an hour has gone by and nothing has changed at which point I have given up.

On a more positive note I have been reading the fluff in Cdex Adeptus Custodes which is really good. The more I read the more I want to do a Custodes / Sisters Emperors Talen army. Should be easy as it would only be about twenty models and I would have no idea how to use them but it would look cool. The whole ethos of them being individual warrior with their own fighting style that can deal with just about anything fits with what I feel they should be. Think it might be a watch this space for when I get back form Adepticon and if I haven’t been hooked with a dozen other urgent projects then I may have to make a start.

On the Adepticon front I’ve been doing some more work on Nero this week trying to do some highlights but I have really been struggling with this. I’ve always struggled with painting black as I find once I try to highlight it turns from black to grey and loses its feel. Now I’ve done all I can this week and whilst I’m not a hundred percent happy with it I’m as happy as my current skill level will allow me to be so it’s a case of more practice. But I do have a plan which I’m hoping will turn into a future article. Having struggled with this all week I had a flash of inspiration that there was a course running at Adepticon on painting black and white. So I’ve had a check and there were still some places left so I’ve booked myself onto this. The only problem is that it starts at 08:30 in the morning so I’ll have to keep the drinking down to a single gallon the night before. But what I’d like to do is to pick up another Nero once I’ve done the course and then see if I can put what I’ve learnt into practice and compare the two. In the meantime this is what I’ve managed to do with Nero this week.



A more positive note has been that I haven’t been killed off yet in our D&D adventure. Our fabulous DM has managed to get the party back together after a few people missed a couple of week but we are all happily reunited. With the band back together we started off on a new mission to save the world, or at least to help the bit of it that we are in. As usual when it came time for a fight they sent in the little guy to take the beating. Although at one point I did have advantage which meant could roll three D20 and the lowest I got was an 18. There natural 20’s although only two of them counted as I got two for the same attack. I think it was that which upset the baddies as the all turned on me at the point which was where I took the beating. With a bit of look I’ll now get a good rest and get some of my hit points back before the next big fight.

That’s it for this week but I’m really going to try and get some painting done this week. It’s only four weeks from Adepticon now, or at least until we set off so I need to get cracking or I’ll be embarrassing myself with an unfinished model. The other thing for this week is that we have a game of big killer robots lined up for game night so I’ll try and remember to get some pictures for you all. Until then have a good weekend and I’ll catch you all again next week.

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