Weekly Waffle #118

I’ve got a bit of lightweight update for you this week. More traveling for work but this week has seen the end to the worst of the work for this year. I’ve still got lots of travel to contend with but all the really messy and fiddly things that have been keeping me awake are now out of the way. So I don’t really have any excuses now to plan in some hobby time whilst I’m away so I’ll see how that goes.

Another key things for this week has been disappointment. After picking up White Dwarf last week and then waxing lyrical about the new flying Dwarves there I can’t find any mention of when they will be out. I’m all fired up to give them a go and full of ideas, but I know what I’m like and if I’m not carful then something else will come along and shiny syndrome will kick in again and I’ll be distracted. Even if this does happen I’m still going to give them a go so it won’t all be lost but things might slow down. On the plus side it does give me a bit more time to think about how I’m going to paint them. Do I go with one of the paint schemes out of White Dwarf or do I go with something of my own creation. I think it’s always the hardest part of any new project, deciding what colours to use. Going with your own creation give you something that is uniquely your own but it takes me a lot longer to get going. Then you have a pre-defined look that you crack on with straight away but it’s not as unique. Well there’s no point pondering on this too much until they actually land.

Hobby time this week has mostly been an exercise in failure, but not in a bad way. I’ve been trying to get started with my new Warboss on a bike idea, although it’s morphed in a Warboss sitting in a chair strapped to the front of a big engine. What’s happened is that I’ve got an idea in my heard where my contraption will be made up of three main but distinct sections. The first, although not the first I will build, will be the engine itself. It’s going to have air intakes at the front, one or two vectored ducts at the back and then in keeping with the venerable harrier a couple of vectored ducts on the side. I want this to be built with inkling as to how it work with anything else, it’s just got to be a really good engine.

The next step will be to fit a control seat at the front so that can be bolted to the engine in some way so that the boss can actually make use of it. I want all of the controls to actually look they could work and this has what’s taken up most of my hobby time this week. I don’t really have much to show for all this work but as is usually the case you learn a lot more from your mistakes than you do from your successes and I now know what doesn’t work. So with a bit of look I’ll have the controls worked out and built soon. The key here is that it has to look ramshackled but at the same time you have to think ‘ you know what that could work’.

weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118 weekly Waffle #118

The last key section will be the weapons, for this I’m going with lots of Gatling guns. You can’t go wrong with Gatling guns for as a grot, very dakka and very shoota, what more can you ask for. In keeping with the rest of the build the guns need to look like they have been bolted on after everything else has been finished. The idea is that will make some sort of frame to go round the engine that the guns and ammo will be bolted to. To add a bit of detail I’m also going to have the ammo in some stupid location so that the ammo belts need to snake around the engine. That way you will have to keep shooting to stop the ammo cooking off in the belt.

So that’s the plan, I’ve no idea how long it will take as I want to mix in painting other things with the build but I now I have plan in my head I have something to work towards. Knowing me however this may morph into something completely different but I’m hoping whatever I come out the other side with it will be interesting.

That’s if for me for today, I’m going to continue to enjoy a few days off with it being a bank holiday weekend here in the UK. I’m out for a few beers with Al and Pete tomorrow so no doubt we spend a few hours talking crap and putting the world to rights and if can remember anything we talk about I might have something for next week’s waffle.  Anyway that’s it for this week have a good weekend and I’ll catch you all again next week.

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